Friday, September 4, 2009

Baking in This Heat?!

Yes, it is still summer and I baked today. What a weirdo. It's nice to get back into the swing of things in the kitchen after not having baked since early June. This recipe came from an old Farm Journal cookie cookbook. I have had great results with some of the recipes while others, like this one, are far more effort than they're worth. These are pretty bland as far as flavor and texture. But they're good enough to keep in the freezer and use to pack Raquel's lunchbox. P.S. Raquel made one of those on that cookie sheet ;)


pasadenapio said...

Yes, it may be a lot of effort, but the result sure is pretty!

Prolifegirly said...

which one did raquel make? jk. They look like they should taste cheesy! oooh when does raquel start kindergarten?

Sarah Jane said...

Thanks, PIO!
P.L., yeah, they DO look like they should taste cheesy. Raquel starts Kinder on the 10th.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of playing play-doh and making the little snails...remember them and the houses we made for them?
-sister number 1

Cafe Pasadena said...

The #1 Sister says y'all made houses for snails??

Sarah Jane said...

@CP, that sounds funnier the way you say it! Actually, my sister and I (and our younger sibs) used to play with clay by creating snails and making little houses for them. They also wore sun bonnets and skirts!